Four secrets of a beautiful skin.

Here are the four secrets of a beautiful skin:

This is very essential for deep cleansing and is to be used once a week, and its best to get the one suitable for your skin type and make sure what is said on the product instructions is done adequately, and also the face packs apart from deep cleansing its used for correcting skin blemishes with the masks too. 
The masks are emollient to soften and nourish every dry skin, then we have the Astringent masks to close up the process of oily skin and using the soothing masks to soften and nourish the dry skin.
You have to protect your eyes by covering with the pads of cotton-wool dipped in the eye lotion to rest and protect then while the rest of the face is being treated with a mask, with warm water the masks should be removed after sometime.
The white of Egg is another remedy for a clear face, it tightens the pores and improves the blood supply to the cells of the skin, just spread it across the face and wash with warm water, this is one of the secrets of having a beautiful clear face and skin. 

This is another way of having a beautiful skin, to be able to nourish your skin with moisture and lubricants. The moisturizing creams and lotions products we have in the prevents the skin from being too dry, keeping it fresh, shinning smooth and you look younger than your age. Then again moisturizing creams replace the moisture lost through the effect of heat, Harmattan and even Air conditioning.
You need to use an unscented moisturizer for an oily and sensitive skin, we have a richer products which is the lubricants cream which is used to replace the skins natural oil.
Once or twice a week is when you would need to use a moisturizer that’s if you've got an oily skin and if you have a dry skin you would have to apply it at night and early in the morning. You apply it on your fingers, feet, knees, elbows, cheeks; it would give your face and skin a beautiful shinny look.

This is a major way of having a clear and beautiful skin and face, and there are forms of cleansing. There are different products ranging from creams, milks, liquid cleansers, liquid soups, if you have a soft skin use a mild soap.

You have to use a mild lanolin-rich cleanser, or use a water soluble cream cleanser

You have to use a lanolin-based soap together with a creamy cleansing lotion which melts into the pores and enriches the skin with moisture and oil.

You can use a non-greasy cleanser which penetrates your make-up, dissolves oily residue and floats it, and any dirt, out of your pores afterwards use a tonic cleanser or a mild Astringent lotion for extra deep cleansing, once a week use a clay face packs that sets on the face and tightens the pores.
At-least give your face a steam treatment once a week by covering your head over a bowl of steaming water, this cleanses the pores.

There is this liquid known as a TONIC or Freshener should always follow cleansing to remove every trace of the cleansing product. It will tighten and freshen the skin and encourages blood circulation, a mild or tonic or freshener is suitable for normal or dry skin. Astringent lotions are stronger and are for oily skins.

If you practise this occasionally, you will see how beautiful and shiny your face and skin will look and you will surely get comments from front, left, center, winks net segment will bring another interesting beauty tips.

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